This page is a growing list of potentially useful material if you want to become familiar with the topic of reproducible computational research. Start with the basic topics at the top and find more detailed, special, and advanced content further below. If you're looking for guidelines or surveys for your discipline/area of research, see Reproducible research in ..., and if you're looking for help with a specific piece of software or programming languages, visit Reproducible research with ....

🤔 What to know? The basics of reproducible research.

The concept of a  "research compendium". Start with this Turing Way chapter, skim the original paper coining the term, and then check out more information at, e.g., something from your discipline.

📖 What to read, watch, or listen to?

⏱️ I have only 20 minutes!

⏳ I have only one hour!

📅 I have half a day!

📆 I have one full day!

♾️ I have all the time I need!

🎧 I have no time but a long commute

📃 Journals to know

🧰 Platforms to know (at WWU Münster)

☑️ Other knowledge bases, lists, and courses

📇 Who to follow?

🤷🏘️ What to do at my group/lab/institute/department?

⚙️ Research Software

You think something is missing on this page? Get in touch with Thanks!

  • Keine Stichwörter