ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a global, not-for-profit organisation, see https://orcid.org/. ORCID’s vision is a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time by the ORCID iD: a unique, persistent identifier for researchers. The ORCID iD can be used to relate the work to a person, even if the name used as an author differs (Alex Mustermensch versus A. Mustermensch versus A. B. Mustermensch versus Alex Musterman). Research activities and organisations can be linked to these IDs using  several open services.

In CRIS the ORCID iD is part of your personal profile - under the tab for "External Profiles".

However, you do not maintain the ORCID iD directly in CRIS (this is currently still possible, but will be deactivated in the next few months), but in your university IT portal uni-muenster.de/IT-Portal/ or "IT Portal" on the CIT homepage.

Click on "Personal data" in the bar on the left.

Here you will find the ORCID iD option, which you can now use to retrieve your iD directly.

To do this, click on the button "Check the ORCID iD and write it into the user data base now (requires login to the ORCID server)".

You will be forwarded to the university-external ORCID login, where you can log in with your data or the access option of your choice.

If you do not have an ORCID iD yet, you can also register here. 

Once you have successfully logged in to ORCID, you will be redirected back to your IT portal.

The ORCID iD will be automatically transferred to CRIS the following night.

  • If you already have an ORCID entry in CRIS, this will be overwritten with the ORCID iD from the IT portal
  • If the corresponding field in CRIS is empty, the ORCID iD from the IT portal will be used

From CRIS, the ORCID iD is displayed in the research portal. It is also transferred to CMS such as Imperia or the FB04 tool, via which the ORCID iD can appear on your personal pages.

  • Keine Stichwörter