Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is a method for determining the kinetics of diffusion of e.g. proteins in tissues or cells.
It is also used to determine mobile and immobile fractions of the proteins of interest.

Here we refer to established tools for the analysis and normalization for FRAP experiments.

We recommend the Fiji plugin FRAP Norm for intensity measurements of the different ROIs & the FRAP Analyser tool from Romain Guiet for normalization and curve fitting.
FRAP Analyser (standalone tool)

FRAP Analyser is a standalone tool, which can be run from a simple .exe file.
The interface and presentation is simplistic ( and sometimes a bit cryptic) yet comprehensive.

No adaptions possible as the source code is not open. Only takes .txt files as input.

website:  https://c4science.ch/w/bioimaging_and_optics_platform_biop/teaching/frap-analysis/

FRAP Norm (Fiji plugin)

FRAPNorm Fiji plugin.
FRAP Norm provides a nice and easy method to measure intensities from the FRAP/reference/background areas.
Additionally a normalization can be performed.

Download:  http://web.archive.org/web/20211227022833/https://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/plugin/analysis/frap_normalization/start

Additionally needed plugin: http://web.archive.org/web/20211227024107/https://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/plugin/filter/edge_detection/start

Unfortunately, the original ImageJ Wiki site got migrated and this Plugin seems to be no longer maintained.
One can still access the snapshots of the Wiki via Wayback-Machine, but to be on the safe side we uploaded the needed .jar files here as well.


FRAPBot (web application)

FRAPBot is a web application.
It can process multiple datasets at once and the input process as well as the options are well explained on the website.
Custom fitting formulae are supported.
It can also be downloaded and executed in R.
website: http://frapbot.kohze.com/index.html
paper:   https://doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.23172

easyFRAP (web application)

easyFRAP is a web application.
It can process multiple datasets at once and the input process as well as the options are well explained on the website.
It can also be downloaded in combination with a MATLAB runtime and runs with an .exe file as standalone.
website:  https://easyfrap.vmnet.upatras.gr/
paper:     https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky508

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2 Kommentare

  1. Anonym sagt:

    FRAP Norm links sind tot!

    1. Wendt, Jens sagt:

      Wayback-Machine Links eingefügt und .jar files zur Verfügung gestellt.

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