The WWU JupyterHub - Interactive web-based data visualization & analysis and development platform

The JuypterHub offers interactive data analysis using different programming languages, including Julia, R and Python.

JupyterNotebooks can used to display text, execute code and perform data visualization. 

The MiN offers interactive JupyterNotebooks for image data analysis, which can be run on the WWU JupyterHub.

Getting started with the JupyterHub

Login to the JupyterHub

Configure your Environment

You can configure your CPU, memory, and GPU. For analysis of tabular data the standard configuration is sufficient. 

For more advanced image analysis processes, e.g. training and application of deep neural networks, higher memory and GPU support might be advisable. 

If you are unsure which configuration you should use, please ask your question @Mattermost.

Launch your Hub

This is your start page

Access to the Cloud

Your personal jupyterhub home folder ~ is also available under \\\ddfs\Cloud\wwu1\u_jupyterhub\home within the university network.
It can be accessed via the file explorer in Windows or mounted in unix systems.

If you want to access your data and the MIN notebooks at the Cloud, you have to create a "shortcut" (simlink) to the MIN Cloud share:

Open the terminal from the start page

Type in: 

Create SimLink to the e_min data share on the cloud
ln -s /cloud/wwu1/e_min

Press Enter.

SimLink to your own share

Similarly you can connect to your own share on the cloud by using:

ln -s/cloud/wwu1/Your_Folder_Name

Now the MIN Cloud folder will appear in the folder overview at the right.

Start your analysis

You can now start up your own Notebook or copy one of the MIN Notebooks under e_min/Data/JupyterNotebooks to your own folder.

Copying Notebooks:

  1. Right click on the notebook you would like to copy → Copy
  2. Navigate to your folder
  3. Right click → Paste
  4. Now you have your own local copy of the Notebook

Quick Start - JupyterNotebooks

Copy MiN Notebooks to your own folder

Please copy all MiN Notebooks to your own folder. 

Do not change any code before you have your own copy!

Copy the Notebook "GettingStarted.ipynb" under e_min/Data/JupyterNotebooks to your own folder.

Start the Notebook by double-clicking.

A notebook consists of different sections ("cells") that can be executed individually. 

There are code cells and markdown cells. 

  • Code cells contain code that is executed in the kernel. Potential output of the code (e.g., a graph, text, or calculation) is displayed below the cell.

  • Markdown cells contains text formatted using Markdown. 

For execution of the code section press the arrow key at the top or use Strg + Enter

Follow the instructions in the GettingStarted Notebook to learn the basic functions of a JupyterNotebook.

A detailed tutorial on how to use JupyterNotebooks can be found here. 

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